

Yearly Monthly Weekly Daily List
August 2024

WEBINAR: Finding your voice

https://www.conflictmanagementacademy.com/webinar-finding-your-voice-registration/ Are you considering making video content for social media? Or presenting webinars or training sessions for clients? Perhaps doing some keynote speeches or presentations? As well as having great content, it’s essential that you understand your personal style of speech and embrace it to make the most impact & connect with audiences (big, small […]
19 Aug
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
September 2024

WEBINAR: Who gets the pets?

https://www.conflictmanagementacademy.com/webinar-who-gets-the-pets-registration/ Join us for an insightful webinar tailored for family mediators in Australia, featuring an experienced dog behaviourist and mediator. This session will delve into the complexities of pet custody mediation, offering practical strategies to ensure the best interests of pets during family disputes. Learn how to navigate the emotional landscape of pet custody with […]
04 Sep
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
October 2024

WEBINAR: Rebranding Conflict: Marketing strategies for conflict resolution practitioners

https://www.conflictmanagementacademy.com/webinar-rebranding-conflict-registration/ Join us for an enlightening webinar where we delve into the groundbreaking research of Emily K. Skinner. This session explores the intersection of marketing and conflict resolution, revealing how traditional perceptions of conflict as negative can be transformed through strategic branding and communication. In the webinar you will: Discover the internal assumptions and social […]
22 Oct
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
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