
WHAT I’VE BEEN READING: Power and Interdependence in Organizations by Dean Tjosvold and Barbara Wise

Power and interdependence in organizations, edited by Dean Tjosvold and Barbara Wisse (2010)

If you are interested in the relationship between power, conflict and leadership, this book contains a great deal of valuable information from authors with a wide range of backgrounds. I particularly liked Chapter 16 Leadership and Conflict: Using power to manage conflict in groups for better rather than worse. This chapter aims to help leaders to develop and use their power in constructive ways to help manage and resolve conflict within an organization. It provides advice to leaders about how to exercise power in such a way that promotes the potential benefits of conflict, while minimizing the relationship risks associated with expressions of power to resolve conflict. Much of the advice revolves around using leadership power to set in place appropriate structures and boundaries to ensure that conflict is managed effectively (rather than using leadership power to resolve conflict on behalf of the people involved).

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